Thursday, December 23, 2010

Its The Happiest Season Of All

The Christmas Vacation has now offically started for me, as I just finished my last shift at work (last night), and my last gym workout (this morning), until after the big day!
I am loving how dedicated I have been at attending the gym daily for the last 3 weeks straight (cept for Sundays, cause I girl needs a break). I've been mostly running on the treadmill for at least an hour each day, and then working out my arms on some of the weight lifting machines. I like my routine, which allows me to push myself in different ways each day, and see how far my body can take it.
Today I even got myself there on time for their Thursday Hatha Yoga class, which was quite a little treasure, as I haven't been able to fit in yoga into my days for the last few months. I love how yoga makes me feel and how the right teacher can make you see poses in a whole new light, and push your body furthur than you thought possible. I am going to try to attend more classes in the new year in addition to my time at the gym, but I know that I must take little steps towards this, so as not to stress out and stop everything entirely which is what I have been prone to do... many times before....
Well on the note! I would love it if you (readers in the abiss out there), would push me along in my journey in bettering my body so that I don't fall off the band wagon once again. Either leave comments, or if you know me in person, offer to work out with me or even just tell me your proud of my new healthy habits :) It would mean the world to me!
Now to get on with the elephant in the room, which is that today is offically Christmas Eve Eve, and I am as giddy as a sleigh bell, that all the festivites are here at our doorstep.
I love Christmas like none other, and if it was a person, I would snatch it up and marry it so fast, just so I could keep it with me all year long.
I love all the random acts of kindness, the togetherness of friends and family, the warm heart of the home, the bringing up of hidden happy feelings, and the glow of a city covered in lights.
I wish you all the most merriest of Christmas's, the most happiest of holidays, and above all love in your hearts for one another this holiday season.

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